Year That Can Be Read Upside Down

I tin read English upside down. This is something I quickly learned out of necessity. At first, I couldn't do this, only I very apace got into the habit of quickly looking at my students' work from this angle and now information technology's very easy for me. Why? What is my brain doing? I am simply recognising the shapes of the words and phrases. Yous would recognise a triangle from whatsoever position, right? Same thing. Reading in English is all nigh recognising symbols and shapes.

Now, of course, you don't need to read upside down to meliorate your English reading skills! Just let me ask you this:

Can you lot read English language?

I mean really read English?

Do you see every letter? Exercise you see every syllable? How about words? Do you meet every word?


If you've answered yes to any of the questions higher up, then we have a serious problem!

You don't know how to really read English language. You lot are 'decoding' and that's not reading.

Cease Decoding

Let me explain. English is a sight language. That means that we recognise words and phrases by their shapes, not by their letters. Some languages, like Spanish and Italian, are phonetic languages. In these languages it is possible to decode words, merely it doesn't piece of work in English. Moreover, decoding in whatsoever linguistic communication is simply useful up to a bespeak. In one case y'all know the word, you demand to be able to see it and automatically digest it.

Imagine a firm. What is it constructed of? Wood, metal, bricks etc. Practice you run across the wood, metal and bricks when you look at the firm? Probably not, unless you lot are a construction worker or an builder. Most people simply see a business firm. That is what reading English is all most. You need to see the picture, not the materials. You demand to understand the discussion, non meet the letters, understand the phrase, not see the individual words.

house materials

Let'south take a very common word such as 'enough'. If you lot see the letters, you'll never understand the word equally information technology's pronounced. If you accept only heard the word, 'plenty' and have never seen it written, yous certainly won't recognise information technology the start time you read information technology. Are yous reading, 'e-n-o-u-g-h-'? Or are you lot 'seeing' the whole word, 'enough'? 6 private letters or ii simple sounds /i nuf/. How about 'right'? Are you reading 'r-i-1000-h-t-', or are you seeing a simple one syllable sound, /rait/?

A good reader will automatically see these words and assimilate them without sounding them out or decoding them. So, how practice y'all learn to really read English language rather than decode?

Step Ane  : Familiarise yourself with loftier frequency words.

High frequency words are the almost commonly used words of a linguistic communication. These can be ranked from 1-100, 1-1000, etc. The average intermediate English language student has a vocabulary of 3000 words. Your goal should be 3,000. That is, if you see a word under iii,000, y'all really should be able to read information technology automatically. If the word is over 3,000, you lot don't need to recognise it automatically at this bespeak. Remember to keep your goals reasonable. Focus on the top 3,000 words for now. When you feel that you have successfully ingested these words you can set your goal for the side by side group.

(There are links at the bottom of this postal service for you to find loftier frequency words. For now, allow's use my very brusk lists of 5 words in each category.)

You need to make lists of the different grammatical categories: 6 categories of grammar words and four categories of content words.

Grammar categories : articles, demonstratives, other quantifiers, pronouns, prepositions, and conjunctions.

Content discussion categories : verb, nouns, adjectives and adverbs.

These lists will exist your structure materials. They are non for memorisation, just for building. Start small and create lists of 10 words in each category.

The categories of articles and demonstratives only have the words i have listed. For the remaining 3 grammer categories I take given 5 words.

Articles: the, a, an

Demonstratives: this, these, that, those

Quantifiers: one, your, each, many, some

Prepositions: of, to, in, for, on

Conjunctions: and, that, but, which, if

There are links at the lesser of this post for y'all to observe high frequency words. For now, let's use my very short lists of 5 words in each category. We already take the grammar categories started. Now let's look at the iv content categories; verbs, nouns, adjectives and adverbs. Notice that I have written every useful course for each word.


be- am, is, are, was, were, been, being

have- has, had, having

exercise- does, did, washed, doing

say- says, said, saying

get- gets, got,(gotten), getting



















Pace Two : Creating phrases and sentences

Now we tin create phrases and sentences with the high frequency words. English language is very dependent on phrases for pregnant, rather than individual words. Only writing lists of words is not productive; in fact information technology's useless for learning. (Remember, only use lists for reference when you are constructing phrases and sentences, just as you lot would use stacks of wood for constructing a house. Yous don't audit every unmarried slice of wood; you but accept information technology in a pile fix for use.) To properly read English language you lot need to utilize as many high frequency words as possible in your new phrases. Y'all will probably demand to add a few other words. Rearrange your words and play with them. It's like playing with the magnets on your fridge.

The other way is longer.

My new way is better.

This old man knows best.

We had a skillful time.

Y'all merely need to write out your new phrases a few times before your encephalon digests them into information blocks. The next time you encounter one of the items, (a word or phrase) from your practice phrases you will automatically read information technology properly. The more you do 'seeing' vocabulary items, the amend at information technology you will get.

Pace 3 : Reading for Frequency

This blazon of reading is dissimilar than reading for pleasure. I usually recommend that students simply read for pure enjoyment, without stopping to check vocabulary. All the same, this is an exercise. We are on the hunt for words that you don't assimilate automatically.

Take any text at your level and browse the beginning few paragraphs. Browse for words that you trip over. Write these downward.

Ex: Nosotros were travelling through Brazil 1 day final summer, when nosotros came across a giant anaconda.

You possibly tripped over 'Brazil', 'giant' and 'anaconda'.

Next do a frequency cheque on those words. (Link at the end of this mail). What is the frequency? Is it college than 3000? If yes, you can ignore it. If no, then you need to practice it by creating a few phrases and/or sentences. (Equally you did in step 2.)

All the words in our example sentence are under the 3000 limit, except 'Brazil' and 'anaconda'

Exercise you chop-chop digest all of the other words? How nearly 'behemothic'? If y'all tripped over 'giant' and so you need to practice information technology a few times. First look up 'giant' in a lexicon so that y'all have a adept sense of the word.

Giants and fairies are often in children'due south books. The story Jack and the Beanstalk is about a male child and a giant.

Behemothic redwood trees are constitute on the pacific declension of North America. I take a giant redwood tree in my garden.

Fifty-fifty though the give-and-take 'Brazil' is over the 3,000 limit, it'south important because it'southward the name of a country. Nonetheless, the give-and-take 'anaconda', a blazon of ophidian, is really not very important to practice, unless you lot think you want to become a herpetologist, (a person who studies snakes; non a high frequency word!)

Continue reading in this way. Ane or two paragraphs a day is sufficient. In a calendar month you'll observe that you lot are reading more speedily, more automatically and much more efficiently. You will have stopped decoding and volition be well on your way to reading English language the fashion native speakers read English language.

This link volition take you to the 25 virtually common words in every category.

This link volition take you to the Oxford frequency checker.

This is some other frequency checker tool.


If yous have whatsoever questions or comments, please feel free to go out me a annotation on the form below.


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